tHe birthday books project
Over 26,000 students at 60 schools now receive
an annual Birthday Book,
thanks to a growing community of Title 1 schools, generous funders, and service groups.

What our partners say:
Thanks to the BBP, every student in our school received a beautiful new book as a birthday gift this year. The children love getting the books and giving them out is a pleasure. Parents look forward to reading them with their children, and some even come into the school to help their child choose. We are especially pleased that the program supports our school's literacy efforts, both by giving the students more reading practice time at home and by encouraging shared excitement over reading for fun!
Nicole Gipson, Asst. Principal, William Paca Elementary School
Thank you for the great book. I like it a lot and now my little sister wants me to read it to her. My birthday was fun.
Carlos S., Student, Riverdale Elementary School
Our students love getting the books on their birthdays, and we appreciate this special boost to our school's literacy efforts. It's a win/win: a way to celebrate and bond with our students while encouraging a love for learning.
Patience Hein, Asst. Principal, North Bend Elementary / Middle School
Of the current 60 Birthday Books schools, 9 are sponsored by sister organizations which have adopted the Birthday Books model, while one school is self-sponsored.
Sincere thanks and congratulations go to these great partners:
The Briddell Family Foundation